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Pet dentistry


A healthy mouth is a healthy pet

Pets, just like us can suffer from problems with their teeth if not looked after properly and where possible we encourage you to brush your pet’s teeth daily – believe it or not, some pets actually enjoy this.

Starting this early on in your pet’s life can have a huge advantage.

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Over time, even with brushing, tartar can develop which will lead to gum disease (gingivitis), halitosis and eventually to periodontal disease (tooth root disease) which can cause painful root abscesses and eventually tooth loss. We can also see broken and damaged teeth which can expose the nerves and be similarly painful.

In rabbits, overgrown teeth can cause huge problems for them in eating and their health can deteriorate quickly. As our pets can’t tell us that their mouth is causing them pain, as an owner it’s good to keep an eye that things are normal. Although your dog or cat may not stop eating altogether, they could be in a significant amount of pain, making them feel less than 100%. Bacteria from bad teeth can quickly circulate around the body in the bloodstream and cause problems in other organs, such as the kidneys or heart.

During a health check with us and when booster vaccinations are given, we will always check your pet’s teeth – early detection of a problem is much easier to correct and we can put an end to the discomfort your pet might be feeling.

At Vetsmiths, we have a modern, dedicated dental X-ray machine which allows us to accurately look for any developing problems – just like icebergs, many tooth problems are below the surface. Our team is well trained in both preventative dental care and full dental treatment when needed.

We’re always happy to discuss options with you.

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We’ve made it easy for you to book appointments on-line with us. Head to the link below to book your appointment with us today and we’ll look forward to seeing you soon.

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