Three years ago on Monday, 30 November, we opened our doors for the first time, to a busy morning and afternoon, welcoming new clients with their pets to Vetsmiths.
During this time we’ve expanded to a team of four vets, three qualified veterinary nurses, two animal nursing assistants, four receptionists, an accounts/administration officer, as well as Sam who’s our People Person/social media/marketing person.
Team Vetsmiths has one thing in common … the same vision and enthusiasm for providing the best possible care not only for the pets we see, but their owners too. It’s all about building those special relationships.
We were blown away to win the ‘Best new business’ in the Wimborne Business Awards for 2022 and 2023, as well as being awarded ‘Business of the year’ for 2023 – what an honour.
We asked the team about their time with us to date and this is what they had to say:
When did you start working at Vetsmiths?
Sam: Well the prep was over a year before and then when we took possession of our gorgeous building on 16 November 2020. The rest has gone by in a blurr
Sarah: From the very start in November 2020
Rhiannon: April 2022
Kesh: Six months ago already – time has flown by!
Tara: 16 November 2020
What’s the best thing about Vetsmiths?
Clare: The list is too long; the people, the pets, the generous goodies gifted to us
AnitaM: It feels like a family and everyone is valued
Lorna: The clients and our team of course! Oh.. and the coffee
Sam: It’s our dream come to life
Lydia: A stunningly beautiful practice
Stand out patient and why?
Jess: Sadly a very special boy who recently passed over the rainbow bridge. Kokomo, he started the year so poorly with pancreatitis, but as the year went on, each time he came in we were seeing a different dog, he was improving all the time and his gorgeous waggy tail was back! We miss you KoKo – you were so brave!
Emma: There’s two I can’t choose between them. Wellington, such an amazing little dog who I just love. And Louis the cat. Both of them have been through so much with us, but always a joy to look after.
Claire: Heidi – she was my first patient at Vetsmiths and was a dream to examine when she came in for a poorly eye.
AnitaM: Chester – He has come such a long way from when he first came in. Watching his progress through desensitisation consults has been humbling.
Best day ever at Vetsmiths?
Clare: Our opening day – I still remember the adrenaline
Sam: Too many best days, but one of our best days was our Christmas Party last year – THE BEST party ever with amazing people! Loved it!
Lucy: Best day was when we did our pumpkin carving and brought in our works of art! It was lovely having them on display for our clients to see and great to see each other’s hidden talents!
Chris: The day we opened – mid-Covid and after all the hard work to get that point, it was so good to finally open our doors
Lorna: First day back from maternity leave
We shouldn’t have favourites, but who’s your favourite visitor/s?
Rhiannon: Frankie and Finn they are so friendly and always nice to see them and chat to their owner
Claire: Willow – all we have to do is say ‘treat for your ears’, give her a treat and then she lets me look down them!
Jess: Oh this is a tricky one! I have SO many! Frankie, Ginny (my first ever pup visitor), Tolly, Scrumpy, Louis, Edna, Monty… oh I could write a list as long as my arm – pets of Wimborne are FABULOUS!!
AnitaS: Darcie and Gracie the puppy Labradors as they are adorable
Clare: I adore little Ludo, but also big softy Henry (therapy dog), plus any of the Maine Coons – just stunning!
What have you learnt since working at Vetsmiths?
Sarah: I can now two finger type very quickly!
Lucy: A kind word, a hug, and a smile is needed in our workplace. Every day is different, and not always easy for our clients or colleagues so I’ve learnt to roll with it and let the bad stuff go!
Tara: Thinking that one hobnob biscuit a day is ok.. it really isn’t!
Jess: How incredibly intelligent animals are, and how sensitive they are. I see so many come through our doors day in day out, who are the most incredible companions. Animals can get you through the darkest of times. Never take them for granted
Kesh: I’m so lucky to work with a very skilled team of experienced colleagues – so every day is a learning day!
Emma: That chasing my dreams and all the hard work was definitely worth it. As I now have my dream job here. Also, that a work life balance is achievable in the veterinary profession and with the right team
Chris: What a great town Wimborne is
What would you say to someone thinking about coming to work at Vetsmiths?
Claire: Jump right in – it is a great place to be
Jess: Don’t think about it, just DO IT! It’s the best job I have ever had, and I couldn’t imagine not being here!
Lorna: Great place to work, super teamwork in a fabulous building
Tara: Why would you not want to work at Vetsmiths… we are a fun, professional, friendly bunch who love our jobs. I mean if Carlsberg did vet practices then look no further
To those who were with us from the beginning – how fast has that gone?
Tara: Its mad to think I am three years older… can we just slow time down a bit please
Lorna: Fast! And I have a 17month old child to prove it!!!!
Clare: I still feel like the new girl hehe, but at the same time, I’ve learnt so much!
Chris: Faster than a rat up a drainpipe, with it’s pants on fire, with a jet pack!
Sam: Too fast! I mean Barnaby has now left school and is at Uni!!
Lastly… dog, cat, rabbit or guinea pig?
Clare: Yes, yes, yes and yes! But obvs furry potatoes are the best having my two guinea pigs in mind
Claire: Oh no, I can’t choose! As an owner of cats, guinea pigs, a dog and a hamster I can tell you the hamster is the best-behaved!
Sam: Probs, dog, rabbit, cat, pig, but tbh that could change the moment a furry comes through the door!
Lucy: Dogs for me every time – I would have a houseful if I could
Lydia: All animals but obviously sausage dogs
AnitaS: Them all , but bias to doggies as I have two
Here’s to the next three years … when we’ll all be ANOTHER three years older!